ISE CMD has appointed Director into RVS Educational
Trust's Group of Institutions.
The ISE CMD Prof. Dr. Mohammed Seraj ANSARI
has been appointed Director into RVS
Educational Trust's Group of Institutions.
( Prof. Dr. Ansari
is responsible for admissions and exploring
new ventures from all over the World. and have
objective to present RVS as an International
Educational Brand in India and Worldwide.
RVS - Rathnavel Subramaniam Educational Trust
(RVSET) was established in 1983 as a public
charitable Trust, in fond memory of Master Rathnavel
Subramaniam the elder son of the chairman Lion.
Vijayashree Dr. K. V. Kupusamy and Smt. K. Padmavathy,
with objectives to create facilities for education,
health care and upliftment of the poor and the
downtrodden especially of rural regions. In
just three decades this self-styled, disciplined,
philanthropist with a giant vision has created
facilities worth over Thousands Crores (US$
Billion) in shape of Educational Institutions,
Farms, Working Women, Hostel, a Hospital etc.
ISE Appointed
Country GSA's in Ghana & Vietnam
• The ISE Cards India Limited has appointed
Country GSAs in the following countries ; Ghana
& Vietnam, the companies incorporated
1- ISE Cards Ghana Limited,(
& 2- DNN-ISE Cards Limited, Vietnam,
as an Exclusive Country GSA (General Sales Agent).
To develop and market ISE Global and National
& Regional Cards in these countries.
& News:
Added 7 New Business Avenues
India has added seven new business avenues of
earning to Country GSA / State GSA / ECA by
adding product and services in their selling
basket with great earning source of these products.
Here To Know More
New Business Avenues Are;
1-ID Cards-Non Privilege & ( PVC/
Chip Card).
2-International Sim Card.
3-Forex (Foreign Exchange). Click
4-Drugs For Travellers. Click
5-General Insurance.
6-Study Abroad.
7-Indian Studies.
Appointed GSA in Maharashtra
• The ISE Cards India Limited has appointed
to M/s Rainbow Solutions, its
office at : Sandesh Buildimg, Opp. Shantiban
SOC., Chinchwad, Pune-411 033 (Maharashtra),
as State GSA (General Sales Agent) in Maharashtra
: State of Maharashtra Excluding Greater Mumbai,
Navi Mumbai, Thane, & Kalyan).
To develop and market ISE Global and Regional
Cards in Maharashtra. The ISE Regional Card
(ISE State Discounts Card) hopefully would be
launched in Mar-2010. (22.02.2010)
Appointed GSA in Tamil Nadu
• The ISE Cards India Limited has appointed
to Global Cards , its office
at : #2/20, 2nd Floor, Vellore City Centre,(Near
Khazana Jewellery), Officer's Line, VELLORE
-632004 (Tamil Nadu), as State GSA (General
Sales Agent) in Tamil Nadu. To develop and market
ISE Global and Regional Cards in Tamil Nadu.
The ISE Regional Card.
Appointed GSA in Uttar Pradesh
• The ISE Cards India Limited has appointed
to M/s Centre For Quali & Quality
Research (CQQR), its office at : GF
54, Shakuntalam Plaza-Bara Birwa, Alambagh,
Lucknow-Uttar Pradesh, as GSA (General Sales
Agent) in Uttar Pradesh. To develop and market
ISE Global and Regional Cards in Uttar Pradesh.
ISE Appointed
GSA in Orissa
• The ISE Cards India Limited has appointed
to M/s Transcard Services Pvt. Ltd,
its office at : Flat No.103, Siddharth Apartment
Road No-8,Unit-9, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa,
as GSA (General Sales Agent) in Orissa. To develop
and market ISE Global and Regional Cards in
Orissa. The ISE Regional Card (ISE State Discounts
Card) hopefully would be launched in Feb. to
Mar-2010. (143.03.2010)
ISE Appointed
Country GSA in Kenya
• The ISE Cards India Limited has appointed
to M/s Travel Associates Limited
(company incorporated "ISE Cards
Kenya Ltd,
its office at : Regal Plaza, Limuru Road, P.O.
Box 55225, Nairobi, Kenya,
as an Exclusive Country GSA (General Sales Agent)
in Kenya. To develop and market ISE Global and
Regional Cards in Kenya. The ISE Cards (Regional),
"ISE State Discounts Card" hopefully
would be launched in January/February-2010..
ISE Appointed
Country GSA in Pakistan
• The ISE Cards India Limited has appointed
to M/s The Design Firm (company
incorporated "ISE Cards Pakistan
Pvt. Ltd
), its office at : Flat-B, Plot No.
16-C, 1st Floor, Zamzama Commercial Lane 5,
DHA-V, Karachi-Pakistan, as an Exclusive Country
GSA (General Sales Agent) in Pakistan. To develop
and market ISE Global and Regional Cards in
Pakistan. The ISE Cards (Regional), "ISE
State Discounts Card" hopefully would be
launched in January-2010..
Sponsored Floorball National & International
Sport Events as main sponsors in Lucknow, India

The ISE has sponsored three major sports events
of Floorball Sport in Lucknow,
India, (1) National Floorball Federation Cup-2009,
(2) IFF-Development Seminar-2009 & (3) India
V/s World Floorball Match-2009 which was held
in Lucknow, India, from 17th to 20th September-2009.
ISE also awarded Cash Prizes of Rs. 11,000.00
each Winner of Men and Women National Floorball
Federation Cup-2009, The Prizes has been given
by Mr. Mohammed Meraj Director of ISE Cards India
Limited to the Winner, ISE has a policy to promote
social, as well as sports activities in the
country by supporting them to enhamce their
activities in the country and give nation pride
to know about events sponsored by ISE
ISE State Discount
Card" Uttar Pradesh Launched
The ISE State Discount Card" Uttar Pradesh
is launched on 19th August-2009 by The Chief
Guest Hon'eble Deputy Chairman Rajya Sabha-Parliament
of India Mr. K.Rehman Khan, Special Guests Mayor,
Dr. Dinesh Sharma, Mr. Anis Ansari (IAS) Affitional
Chief Secretary, Govt. of U.P. and Mr. Jimmy
OOI, Singapore, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Seraj Ansari, Managing
Director-ISE Cards India Limited, Dr. Akhlaque,
Subhash Panday are present on the launch ceremony
of "ISE State Discount Card"
as well "ISE Discounts Handbook
Uttar Pradesh Edition at Lucknow. click
to know about launch
ISE Regional
Card is Launching in August-2009
• Regional Card (ISE State Discounts Card)
for Students, Faculty/Teachers, and Youth are
eligible to get this card. The "ISE State
Discount Card" is going to launch in August-2009,
Any Schools,
Colleges, Management Institutes, Universties,
Sports Clubs etc.,
can replace their Identity Card with "ISE
Regional Card" and get all advantages and
forward all previlleges (upto 70% discounts)
to their student/faculty/teachers.
& Chain of Retail Shops can boost their
sale with ISE Cards
Merchants, Chain of Retails Shops etc., can
also makes ISE Regional Card as complimentary
with their products to target students/faculty/teacher/youth
of Uttar Pradesh. After successfull launch in
Uttar Pradesh ISE Regional Card will introduce
in all states of our country very soon.....Managing